
Every time I tell my story, I feel that I am taking some power away from the terrorists. ― Nadia Murad

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The distribution of cultures in the world reflects the distribution of power. Trade may or may not follow the flag, but culture almost always follows power. ― Samuel P. Huntington
At the threshold of pain is power. ― Lailah Gifty Akita
I feel I could fly, I am so happy. – Abu Ahmed
Micro-mettle of women is stronger than herculean power of men. ― Mantaranjot Mangat
I feel a lot of people listen to what I have to say. -Donald Trump
I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear. ― Nelson Mandela
The truth is the truth and the real is the real, and you have the right to say exactly how you feel. ― Vlad Lyubovny
I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that. ― Robin Williams
Endure the pain, possess the power. ― Lailah Gifty Akita
You can talk with someone for years, everyday, and still, it won't mean as much as what you can have when you sit in front of someone, not saying a word, yet you feel that person with your heart, you feel like you have known the person for forever.... connections are made with the heart, not the tongue. ― C. JoyBell C.