
We should all start to live before we get too old. Fear is stupid. So are regrets. ― Marilyn Monroe

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Friendship should be surrounded with ceremonies and respects, and not crushed into corners. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
You cannot judge what should bring others joy, and others cannot judge what should bring you joy_ Alan Cohen
I assume Obama knows about stop and frisk, so this is not the person that should be the head of homeland security. I had to say something. Kelly's nomination would go against who President Obama is.
Probably one of the most private things in the world is an egg before it is broken. ― M.F.K. Fisher
All we demanded was our right to twinkle. ― Marilyn Monroe
When we treat people merely as they are, they will remain as they are. When we treat them as if they were what they should be, they will become what they should be.
Beneath the makeup and behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world. ― Marilyn Monroe
It's not true that I had nothing on. I had the radio on. ― Marilyn Monroe
Dogs never bite me. Just humans. ― Marilyn Monroe
Christmas 2022 was a time where air travelers should have bought the optional travel insurance! ― Steven Magee