
Dr. Webber rolled her eyes, unimpressed with my timing, and probably a little irritated with my lack of materials. I winked, and the slightest smile touched her lips. ― Jamie McGuire

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Oh, this is going to be fun; he actually thinks he's teaching me something. ― J.A. Redmerski
Fun is one of the most important - and underrated - ingredients in any successful venture. If you're not having fun, then it's probably time to call it quits and try something else.- Richard Branson
It was like my uterus was tapping out a happy dance on the rest of my organs. God, I was dying the longest, most tortuous, and arousing death in the history of the world. ― Cora Carmack
If you win the midfield, you probably win the game. But that doesn't mean the players in the midfield are the ones alone who determine that, because now we have strikers who drop into midfield and defenders who move up into the midfield. It is the area you must dominate.
I wanted to. You look beautiful wearing my heart. ― Tina Reber
What else makes you hot?" You asking what makes me hot makes me hot. ― Olivia Cunning
You’re probably on the right track if you feel like a sidewalk worm during a rainstorm. - Larry Page (Google)
He was working that charm right now on the trainer who kneeled before him and touched his thigh as though it were the thigh of David, Michelangelo’s glorious statue come to life right here on court. ― A.G. Starling
I was nineteen. You had your lips on my neck and whispers in my ear. You drove me crazy. But I mistook crazy for absolute happiness. ― Dominic Riccitello
He paused for a minute and I could feel him trembling. “I love you,” he whispered against my skin and then his teeth, broke through. ― Kristen Middleton