
The only real power comes out of a long rifle. ― Joseph Stalin

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The distribution of cultures in the world reflects the distribution of power. Trade may or may not follow the flag, but culture almost always follows power. ― Samuel P. Huntington
Today is the only day in which we have any power. ― Steve Maraboli
If you command wisely, you'll be obeyed cheerfully.
The concepts "beyond" and "real world" were invented in order to depreciate the only world that exists-in order that no goal, no aim or task might be left for our earthly reality. ― Friedrich Nietzsche
Look at those words, 'role' and 'model.' Both of those are fake words, to play a role and to model, that's fake. I'm real. Being real, I drink, I hang out, I party
Real wisdom is not the knowledge of everything, but the knowledge of which things in life are necessary, which are less necessary, and which are completely unnecessary to know.
I'm in awe of how grounded Ms. Tyson is and how her performances can be different but the same. She can switch up the delivery, but it's still with the right intention. Her words are effortless in terms of their meaning and how she inhabits them. She's been doing Trip to Bountiful for four months, and it still feels real. She's pretty amazing.
There is a power in God's gospel beyond all description. - Charles Spurgeon
Artists to my mind are the real architects of change, and not the political legislators who implement change after the fact.
The lust for power is not rooted in strength but in weakness.