
Just as iron which is not used grows rusty, and water putrefies and freezes in the cold, so the mind of which no use is made is spoilt. ― Leonardo da Vinci

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It seems, in fact, as though the second half of a man’s life is made up of nothing, but the habits he has accumulated during the first half.
Anyone who in discussion quotes authority uses his memory rather than his intellect. ― Leonardo da Vinci
He filled a shelf with a small army of books and read and read; but none of it made sense. .. They were all subject to various cramping limitations: those of the past were outdated, and those of the present were obsessed with the past.
reality the fancy of his dreams, and give outward expression to the ideal within. ― Leonardo da Vinci
Your brain is much better than you think; just use it!
Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.
If you've made your own hell, then only you have the power to escape it
A painter without a brush is like a weasel without a tongue ― Leonardo da Vinci
The wisest and noblest teacher is nature itself.
People of accomplishments rarely sit back and let things happen to them. They go out and happen to things. ― Leonardo da Vinci