
Sir one more comment like that and I will strangle you with my microphone wire! - Adam Sandler

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I do love the films I've done in the past. I work hard in my movies and my friends work hard and we're trying to make people laugh and I'm very proud of that. - Adam Sandler
I can handle pain. - Adam Sandler
A lot of critics object to what I do, but I got into comedy to make people laugh, and I've always worked hard. - Adam Sandler
God gave me some weird, beautiful scent that makes men and women go crazy. People compare it to Carvel. It is a whale of a smell. - Adam Sandler
I shouldn't be near Vegas and have money in my pocket. - Adam Sandler
Well, we're living in a material world, and I'm a material girl... or boy. - Adam Sandler
My name is Adam Sandler. I'm not particularly talented. I'm not particularly good-looking. And yet I'm a multi-millionaire. - Adam Sandler
I was reading the paper and saw a cartoon with Ray Kelly frisking Obama, and I was like "Wait, what's happening?" so I Googled it. For everything Obama stands for and the things he's said in the past in his books, especially with the Trayvon Martin thing - and I'm not sure if he [made his comments on Trayvon] because he was asked a question and he was trying to be diplomatic and neutral - that can't happen.
Now that I'm a parent, I understand why my father was in a bad mood a lot. - Adam Sandler
I had my moments of being humiliated, and then I had moments of doing something humiliating. I'm glad I lived out both roles. - Adam Sandler