
I would hear out my critics, but I wouldn't be constrained by them. ― Kamala Harris

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But when you can’t sleep at night, how can you dream? ― Kamala Harris
A lot of critics object to what I do, but I got into comedy to make people laugh, and I've always worked hard. - Adam Sandler
Hope is on the way. ― Kamala Harris
History has shown that one person's willingness to stand up for what is right can be the spark that ignites far-reaching change. ― Kamala Harris
I was raised to be an independent woman, not the victim of anything. ― Kamala Harris
I kept always two books in my pocket, one to read, one to write in.
You have to sweat the small stuff, because sometimes it turns out the small stuff is actually the big stuff. ― Kamala Harris
A patriot is not someone who condones the conduct of our country whatever it does. It is someone who fights every day for the ideals of the country, whatever it takes. ― Kamala Harris
You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you. ― Kamala Harris
In the years to come, what matters most is that we see ourselves in one another's struggles. p 120 ― Kamala Harris