
It is very important for young people keep their sense of wonder and keep asking why.

More Quotes by Stephen Hawking
I'm happy if I have added something to our understanding of the universe.
We spend a great deal of time studying history, which, let’s face it, is mostly the history of stupidity. So
contains on average some one hundred billion stars. If a star were a grain of salt, you could fit all the stars visible to the naked eye on a teaspoon, but all the stars in the universe would fill a ball more than eight miles wide.
I have experimental evidence that time travel is not possible.
If what we regard as real depends on our theory, how can we make reality the basis of our philosophy? But we cannot distinguish what is real about the universe without a theory. It makes no sense to ask if it corresponds to reality, because we do not know what reality is independent of a theory.
Teori relativitas umum Einstein menyiratkan bahwa alam semesta harus punya permulaan dan, mungkin akhir.
I've noticed that even people who believe in fate look both ways before crossing the street.
The wise never marry, and when they marry they become otherwise.
Equations are just the boring part of mathematics. I attempt to see things in terms of geometry.
Nothing is better than reading and gaining more and more knowledge.