
In the long run, the greatest weapon of mass destruction is stupidity. ― Thomas Sowell

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The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.
I want to walk the red carpet at the Oscars. I am in awe of the ceremony, and winning an Oscar would be the most magical moment of my life. I want to make that speech and hold that trophy and say, 'This is for you, India.' That's the line I have rehearsed for God knows how long. But that has to be for a Hindi language film.
Motivation is the fuel, necessary to keep the human engine running. - Zig Ziglar
I run after her, not really giving chase. I’m running because I can, because I must. Because I want to see how far I can go before I have to stop. ― Libba Bray
Erase from your mind that your preparation must be perfect. Hard work + dedication = a shot at your dreams. Keep believing.
Woe to that man who runs when God has not sent him; and woe to him who refuses to run, or who ceases to run, when God has sent him.
How long does it take man to realize that he cannot want what he wants? You have to live in hell to see heaven.
Just put one foot in front of the other. — Austin Peck
The worst pain ... isn't the pain you feel at the time, it's the pain you feel later on when there's nothing you can do about it, They say that time heals all wounds, But we never live long enough to test that theory.
My greatest victory has been to be able to live with myself, to accept my shortcomings. I'm a long way from the human being I'd liked to be, but I've decided I'm not so bad after all.