
Aristotle once said, “To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, and be nothing. ― Dave Ramsey

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Constantly seek criticism. A well thought out critique of whatever you’re doing is as valuable as gold. ― Elon Musk
Seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition even if it be only the apparently innocent one of distinguishing yourself in science and discoveries. ― Mary Shelley
The only sure way to avoid making mistakes is to have no new ideas. - Albert Einstein
Garlic is divine. Avoid at all costs that vile spew you see rotting in oil in screwtop jars. Too lazy to peel fresh? You don't deserve to eat garlic. ― Anthony Bourdain
I've stopped caring about skeptics, but if they libel or defame me they will end up in court.
In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.- Aristotle
Don’t let people’s compliments go to your head and don’t let their criticisms go to your heart.
If criticism is needed, do it tactfully. Don't use a sledgehammer when a fly swatter will do the job.
Criticism is good, you learn from it each time and you know that people are paying attention. — Nonito Donaire
Neither seek nor avoid, take what comes.