
Do your emotions feel too intense? Then you are meant to feel this deeply, to evoke profound transformation in yourself and to extend empathy to others. ― Robin S. Baker

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If you want to help... any of us, then you get where you're going and you work hard and you find a way to take care of someone else the way your uncle has taken care of you. ― Rachel Beanland
Be radically hopeful; dream of a better world, dream of better days. I guess what I’m saying really is, be brave enough to hope that things will get better. ― Jamie Quinn Mader
We have experienced so many changes in such a short time that we’ve lost our common bonds. ― Jessica Marie Baumgartner
Tribalism is community for lonely narcissists. ― David Brooks
Always aim high, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in. And, when you stumble, keep faith. And, when you’re knocked down, get right back up and never listen to anyone who says you can’t or shouldn’t go on.-- Hillary Rodham Clinton
Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions. - Elizabeth Gilbert
You'd be amazed...at how few men have any women they can call upon to speak up for them, no matter how grave the consequences of remaining silent. ― Pearl Cleage
Networks like schools are not communities, just as school training is not education. ― John Taylor Gatto
Our most important thoughts are those that contradict our emotions.
If I loved myself, truly and deeply, what would I do?” The answer comes easy: I’d fly. Fly as high as I possibly can. Then, I’d fly higher. ― Kamal Ravikant