
You can be lonely even when you are loved by many people, since you are still not anybody's one and only. ― Anne Frank

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People will kill you. Over time. They will shave out every last morsel of fun in you with little, harmless sounding phrases that people uses every day, like: 'Be realistic! ― Dylan Moran
To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist. — Oscar Wilde
Money and success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there. — Will Smith
I don't consciously try to be a role model, so I don't know if I am or not. That's for other people to decide.
Sometimes when you're treated unfairly it makes you stronger and more determined. I admire that kind of strength. People who have it take a stand and put their blood and soul into what they believe.
The only people who ever get anyplace interesting are the people who get lost. ― Henry David Thoreau
All of us have to learn how to invent our lives , make them up, imagine them. We need to be taught these skills; we need guides to show us how. If we don't, our lives get made up for us by other people .
When I was younger I felt lonely... In terms of my thought processes. I had the constant feeling that I thought differently to everyone around me. So, I suppose I felt lonely for a home. I didn't know where I wanted to be, but I knew I wasn't there yet.
Don’t stay stuck on the people who’ve hurt you. Move on and let your future give you the better that you deserve.
When I see some of the people who are glorified in magazines these days - who are so thin it's bordering on sickness - I just feel exhausted.