
You can’t let the failures get you down. Learn from them, stay positive, and never give up. -Buster Posey

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Surround yourself with positive people. — Rod Rohrich
Positive people like you all who spread positive energy achieve success in life. ― Avijeet Das
Magic exists. Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers, the music of the wind and the silence of the stars? Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic. It is such a simple and such an extraordinary part of the lives we live.
Fill your life with people who applaud your positive thoughts, feelings, and actions; who encourage you toward more and better; who know how to praise the good and beautiful. — Peter McWilliams
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. — Winston Churchill
In every day, there are 1,440 minutes. That means we have 1,440 daily opportunities to make a positive impact._ Les Brown
If you think you can't, you're right. — Carol Bartz
Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy. — Anne Frank
The world needs huge positive energy to fight against the negative forces. Go to the center of your inner begin and generate that positive energy for the welfare of the humanity. ― Amit Ray, World Peace: The Voice of a Mountain Bird
Celebration is big for me. From my younger days, when I used to win mementos while playing basketball, I have always believed in sharing my success. It has to be there. It lifts the energy levels of the entire side if you are positive and vocal when a wicket falls. — Suresh Raina