
To sense the peace of extinguished passion Happiness in not knowing the ultimate knowledge ― Dejan Stojanovic

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Happiness is in your ability to love others.
It was only a sunny smile, and little it cost in the giving, but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living.
Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive good things and good people will be drawn to you. - Mary Lou Retton
I now tried a new hypothesis: It was possible that I was more in charge of my happiness than I was allowing myself to be. ― Michelle Obama
You cannot be buried in obscurity: you are exposed upon a grand theater to the view of the world. If your actions are upright and benevolent, be assured they will augment your power and happiness. ― Cyrus the Great
Everywhere you go, take a smile with you. _ Sasha Azevedo
The way you speak to others can offer them joy, happiness, self-confidence, hope, trust, and enlightenment. Mindful speaking is a deep practice.
Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. – Dalai Lama
Her happiness floated like waves of ocean along the coast of her life. She found lyrics of her life in his arms but she never sung her song. ― Santosh Kalwar
To be upset over what you don't have is to waste what you do have.