
There is no greater power than that of a laugh and happiness is a force which can save a person from the horrors of the world. ― Hillary DePiano

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Joy is distinctly a Christian word and a Christian thing. It is the reverse of happiness. Happiness is the result of what happens of an agreeable sort. Joy has its spring deep down inside. And that spring never runs dry, no matter what happens. Only Jesus gives that joy. ― Samuel Gordon
Keep in mind that the true measure of an individual is how he treats a person who can do him absolutely no good. ― Ann Landers
For those who are poor in happiness, each time is a first time; happiness never becomes a habit. ― Marilyn Monroe
Happiness is not by chance but by choice. — Jim Rohn
Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.
Happiness depends more upon the internal frame of a person’s own mind, than on the externals in the world. ― George Washington
As you go on with your life, always remember the things that are good in you. They're your gifts. As long as you have these things, you'll find happiness, and you'll make the people around you happy. ― Genki Kawamura
Happiness is in your ability to love others.
Honest good humor is the oil and wine of a merry meeting, and there is no jovial companionship equal to that where the jokes are rather small and laughter abundant.
So many people love you. Don’t focus on the people that don’t – Soyen