
The embroiling algorithm of happiness may leave many people bewildered or lost in translation while they snubbingly fall back on the smartphone, as a shield against intrusions from the outer world. ("Even if the world goes down, my mobile will save me") ― Erik Pevernagie

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Where are you now? What roads are you treading? We have so many new roads now, right across the steppe all the way to the Altai and Siberia. Many brave souls are toiling there. Perhaps you're among them? You left, my Jamilia, across the wide steppe without a backward glance. Perhaps you are weary, perhaps you have lost faith in your self? Just lean on Daniyar's shoulder. Have him sing to you his song of love, of life, of the earth. May the steppe come alive and blossom in all its glory. May you recall that August night. Keep on, Jamilia, have no regrets; you've found your hard-sought happiness. When I gaze at them long enough I can hear Daniyar's voice. He is calling to me, too, to take the highroad, which means it is time for me to get ready. I shall cross the steppe back to my village and find fresh colours there. May Daniyar's song resound and may Jamilia's heart beat with every stroke of my brush.
The greatest happiness is when the eye discovers beauty where neither then mind conceived of nor the hand intended any. ― Orhan Pamuk
But I don't think of the future, or the past, I feast on the moment. This is the secret of happiness, but only reached now in middle age.
Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go.
she sees how happiness hides in the humdrum, how it abides in the everyday toing and froing as though happiness were a thing that should not be seen, as though it were a note that cannot be heard until it sounds from the past... ― Paul Lynch
Give Happiness, Patience, kindness, and Care, and the PAIN goes away. Then only LOVE remains... ― Tsem Tulku Rinpoche
He is rich or poor according to what he is, not according to what he has. _ Henry Ward Beecher
And from the midst of cheerless gloom I passed to bright unclouded day. ― Emily Bronte
Optimism is a happiness magnet. If you stay positive good things and good people will be drawn to you. — Mary Lou Retton
Happiness is different from pleasure. Happiness has something to do with struggling and enduring and accomplishing. _ George A. Sheehan