
I never wanted fame, I just wanted to be heard.

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Every little bean must be heard as well as seen!
I've wanted one thing for me whole life and I'm not going to be that girl who wants one thing her whole life then gets it and complains.
Children should neither be seen nor heard from – ever again. ― W. C. Fields
Because there was a hunger in me to see everything and do everything. I wanted to be everyone I saw. I wasn't enough for me. Can you understand that? ― Sidney Sheldon
I have wanted only one thing to make me happy. That thing is everything. ― Sebastian Horsley
Rod Wave started his music career by recording songs on his own and uploading them to YouTube. His breakthrough came when his song "Heart On Ice" went viral on the platform, gaining millions of views and attention from major record labels.
Despite his emotional and introspective music, Rod Wave is known to be quite reserved and private in real life. He tends to shy away from media interviews and prefers to let his music speak for itself.
But you no longer heard the song. You had gone away, my boy, into your tale. Did you know that you would never turn into a fish, that you would never reach Issyk-Kul, or see the white ship, or say to it: "Hello, white ship, it's I"?
Surround yourself with positive energy and watch your life transform.
Who belonged to no one, who belonged to everyone. Who had nothing, who wanted everything.