
I have never made much money, but this hasn't bothered me. I don't care what I'm paid. I have never had a shared bank account. I do not keep track of how much money is in my bank account. I am not stingy, I admire money well spent. I am not saving for my retirement. I have lived for several years without insurance.― Édouard Levé, Autoportrait

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A farmer is a magician who produces money from the mud. ― Amit Kalantri
Best insurance policies are those that remain not encashed.― Sandeep Sahajpal
Seeing modern health care from the other side, I can say that it is clearly not set up for the patient. It is frequently a poor arrangement for doctors as well, but that does not mitigate how little the system accounts for the patient's best interest. Just when you are at your weakest and least able to make all the phone calls, traverse the maze of insurance, and plead for health-care referrals is that one time when you have to — your life may depend on it. ― Ross Donaldson
You can lose money and make it back, you can't do that with time.
If you say that getting the money is the most important thing, you'll spend your life completely wasting your time. You'll be doing things you don't like doing in order to go on living, that is to go on doing thing you don't like doing, which is stupid. ― Alan Watts
They Have Money For War But Can’t Feed The Poor. — Tupac Shakur
Many people think that happiness comes from having more power or more money. ― François Lelord
Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.- Muhammad Ali
Having life Insurance can help you replace the income from the job you hate in case of an accident.― David Angway
I've never heard anyone saying, "because of life insurance, we become miserable, " instead, I always hear this "because of life insurance our financial goals become easily attainable. ― David Angway