
To be a Hottie you gotta have a lot of self-love, a lot of confidence, you gotta be able to put your foot down. Hotties are supposed to turn other people into Hotties too. If you see someone that's not quite confident, you gotta be the Hottie to gas up your friend.- Megan Thee Stallion

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I really like Pam Grier's whole 'Coffy' aesthetic. It's just natural. It's not even anything that they were overdoing back then. I really like that natural beauty kind of thing. But at the same time, I really like thick, winged eyeliner.- Megan Thee Stallion
If you believe it will work out , you'll see opportunities. If you believe it won't you will see obstacles.
What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when we bring what is within out into the world, miracles happen. ― Henry David Thoreau
You don't have a lot of women doing things for women, so when I'm rapping I gotta talk all this mess so the women can feel as confident and empowered as the men.- Megan Thee Stallion
I know who I am, I know what I believe, that's all I need to know. From there, you do what you need to do.
You were not born a winner, and you were not born a loser. You are what you make yourself be.
That's what I feel like my music represents - having no limits or restrictions. -Megan Thee Stallion
I'm a pretty open person, and very little can embarrass me. - Megan Thee Stallion
The main goal of my music is to make people feel strong and confident.- Megan Thee Stallion
I didn't tell anybody that I wanted to rap when I was in high school.- Megan Thee Stallion