
The 1990's sure aren't like the 1980's. -Donald Trump

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Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm. — Abraham Lincoln
Mitt - what I speak to Mitt Romney about is jobs. What I speak to Mitt Romney about is China, because he's got a great view on China and how they're trying to destroy our country by taking our jobs and making our product and manipulating their currency, so that it makes it almost impossible for our companies to compete-. Donald Trump
You say you’re sure? Sure that you’re in love? How can you know it? You think love is so simple?
Trying to get everyone to like you is a sign of mediocrity. — Colin Powell
It's a great thing when you can show that you've been successful and that you've made a lot of money and that you've employed a lot of people. -Donald Trump
If you will live like no one else, later you can live like no one else. ― Dave Ramsey
Be like a rose; no matter how many thorns you encounter in life, bloom. ― Matshona Dhliwayo
The Obama representatives like Robert Gibbs attack people viciously, but people like me will not be silent and will answer them back.- Donald Trump
I have respect for Senator McCain. I used to like him a lot. I supported him. I raised a lot of money for his campaign against President Obama. Donald Trump
People respond well to those that are sure of what they want. — Anna Wintour