
I could never have imagined that firing 67 people on national television would actually make me more popular, especially with the younger generation.- Donald Trump

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So we really need jobs now. We have to take jobs away from other countries because other countries are taking our jobs. There is practically not a country that does business with the United States that isn't making - let's call it a very big profit. I mean China is going to make $300 billion on us at least this year.- Donald Trump
We need a great president.- Donald Trump
Our military has to be strengthened. Our vets have to be taken care of. We have to end Obamacare, and we have to make our country great again, and I will do that. -Donald Trump
I have a great relationship with the Mexican people.- Donald Trump
If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined... — Henry David Thoreau
Many agree that the worst thing that could ever happen is if Russia and China get closer.- Donald Trump
Today, and I'm very strongly against tax increases. -Donald Trump
Our politicians are stupid. And the Mexican government is much smarter, much sharper, much more cunning. And they send the bad ones over because they don't want to pay for them. They don't want to take care of them. Why should they when the stupid leaders of the United States will do it for them?- Donald Trump
Saudi Arabia makes a billion dollars a day, okay? They make a billion dollars a day. -Donald Trump
I think Ronald Reagan was one of the great presidents, period, not just recently. I thought he had the demeanor. I thought he had the bearing. I thought he had the thought process.- Donald Trump