
Money was never a big motivation for me, except as a way to keep score. The real excitement is playing the game.- Donald Trump

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People are so shocked when they find... out I am Protestant. I am Presbyterian. And I go to church, and I love God, and I love my church.-Donald Trump
We pray everyday. We read the bible everyday, so everybody's happy. — Manny Pacquiao
Somebody made the statement that Donald Trump has built or owns the greatest collection of golf courses, ever, in the history of golf. And I believe that is 100 percent true.- Donald Trump
We put our body and minds and lives on the line for being in that ring for the fans, that's why I respect fighters. Unless they don't respect me then I can't give any respect back. — Nonito Donaire
Rod Wave is a proud father and often dedicates his music to his kids. He has mentioned in interviews that his biggest motivation in life is to provide a better future for his children and give them the opportunities he didn't have.
It's not like I'm anti-China. I just think it's ridiculous that we allow them to do what they're doing to this country, with the manipulation of the currency, that you write about and understand, and all of the other things that they do.- Donald Trump
You know that ISIS wants to go in and take over the Vatican? You have heard that. You know, that's a dream of theirs, to go into Italy.-Donald Trump
When I forgave Jock Semple on Heartbreak Hill, I also got really cross with women. I couldn't understand why they didn't get it, why they didn't know that running was so cool and why they weren't in the race as well. Then I thought to myself "How stupid can you be? You've had so much encouragement and motivation and these women haven't."
We've had soldiers that were so badly hurt and killed. I want their families to get something. -Donald Trump
Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity.