
So Bush certainly wasn't the greatest, and Obama has not done the job. And he's created a lot of disincentive. He's created a lot of great dissatisfaction. Regulations and regulatory is going through the roof. It's almost impossible to get anything done in the country.- Donald Trump

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No great achiever – even those who made it seem easy – ever succeeded without hard work – Jonathan Sack
So many things are possible just as long as you don’t know they’re impossible - Norton Juster
If I were a liberal Democrat, people would say I'm the super genius of all time. The super genius of all time. If you're a conservative Republican, you've got to fight for your life. It's really an amazing thing. -Donald Trump
Part of being a winner is knowing when enough is enough. Sometimes you have to give up the fight and walk away, and move on to something that's more productive.- Donald Trump
One of the key problems today is that politics is such a disgrace, good people don't go into government.-Donald Trump
The great thing to remember is that though our feelings come and go God's love for us does not. ― C.S. Lewis
I do have my ducks in line if I want to do it, but I'd love to see the Republicans pick somebody that was going to win and take over this country and frankly, to use the expression, 'Make America great again.' -Donald Trump
Everything in life is luck.- Donald Trump
It's possible to go on, no matter how impossible it seems.
My fans expect me to be greater and keep being great. – DJ Khaled