
I'm a passionate, hardcore fisherman. Biggest fish I caught? A 200-pound tarpon.- Dwayne Johnson

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The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. ― George Bernard Shaw
I liked his ability to deal with a lot of the negativity that surrounded him. Even though he was in a world that he didn't want to be in, he still saw the bigger picture. -Dwayne Johnson
I've learned never to say never. -Dwayne Johnson
Life is anything but predictable.- Dwayne Johnson
WWE is a space where I thrived, and I loved, and I still do. I love connecting with an audience; that is the greatest thing about going back to WWE. -Dwayne Johnson
I was born to play Hercules. I have loved and honored the mythology over the years - since I was a kid. When I first broke into Hollywood, 'Hercules' was one of the movies that I - not chased, because I didn't have the power to chase anything - but always had in the back of my mind.- Dwayne Johnson
I break ground. I trailblaze.- Dwayne Johnson
I've been through natural disasters. I lived down in Miami and was down there for Hurricane Andrew which was a Category 5. There were members of my family that thought they were going to die. Everyone was in the bathtub. -Dwayne Johnson
I am not The Rock. I am Dwayne Johnson.- Dwayne Johnson
For me, training is my meditation, my yoga, hiking, biking all rolled into one. Wake up early in the morning, generally around 4 o'clock, and I'll do my cardio on an empty stomach. Stretch, have a big breakfast, and then I'll go train. -Dwayne Johnson