
The only film I've enjoyed starring a wrestler was Mickey Rourke in 'The Wrestler.'- Dwayne Johnson

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Oh, I can keep many secrets, so I would be a phenomenal secret agent. I love secrets. -Dwayne Johnson
Life is anything but predictable.- Dwayne Johnson
I knew early on that I wanted to entertain in some form. And I knew I would work as hard as anyone to do it.- Dwayne Johnson
I was raised by strong women, and that DNA is in my daughter and wife. -Dwayne Johnson
I knew credibility would come only in time and through earnest performances.- Dwayne Johnson
I want to be a man who is truthful and who won't let pride get in the way of my ripping myself open to my partner and saying, 'Here I am. This is me.' I feel there's something powerful when a man reaches a point in his life when he can be completely vulnerable.- Dwayne Johnson
I like to use the hard times in the past to motivate me today.- Dwayne Johnson
Around every corner, always protect the engine that powers you. -Dwayne Johnson
I've been through natural disasters. I lived down in Miami and was down there for Hurricane Andrew which was a Category 5. There were members of my family that thought they were going to die. Everyone was in the bathtub. -Dwayne Johnson
Working out anchors my day. -Dwayne Johnson