
The more you can dream, the more you can do. -Michael Korda

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Sometimes we get so busy pursuing our dream that we forget to notice the degree to which we're living it already.
If he can't sleep, how will he ever dream?
Deserve your dream.
Don't be ashamed or embarrassed to dream big. You're living your life with hope, that's a powerful thing.
It's a big world. Don't get trapped by tiny dreams and feeble problems. Time for big prayers and bold faith.
Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. — Fred Rogers, television host and author
Don't bother just to be better than others. Try to be better than yourself. — William Faulkner
The less we love her when we woo her, The more we draw a woman in,
Of all the beautiful truths pertaining to the soul None is more gladdening or fruitful than to know You can regenerate and make yourself what you will.
Thus thought I, as by night I read Of the great army of the dead, The trenches cold and damp, The starved and frozen camp,-- The wounded from the battle-plain, In dreary hospitals of pain, The cheerless corridors, The cold and stony floors. Lo! in that house of misery A lady with a lamp I see Pass through the glimmering gloom And flit from room to room. And slow, as in a dream of bliss, The speechless sufferer turns to kiss Her shadow, as it falls Upon the darkening walls.