
Jazz is a white term to define black people. My music is black classical music. -Nina Simone

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Dr. Martin Luther King is not a black hero. He is an American hero ― Morgan Freeman
I just want to keep the diversity and the options open. In terms of what I'm looking for, I'd like to do a lead action role. Whilst I'm still young and I still have the looks, I want to take the helm and be a renegade cop, or something like that. He's got to have a bit of an edge, but that would be nice.
I used to think information was destroyed in black hole. This was my biggest blunder, or at least my biggest blunder in science.
I'm a real rebel with a cause.- Nina Simone
It's an artist's duty to reflect the times in which we live.- Nina Simone
It can never be bad to have a foundation as a man - a black man - in a time when women are dying for men. Women have started to become lovers of each other as a result of not having enough men.
It's a significant question: should black people only adopt black children, and white people white children?
Then that little man in black there, he says women can't have as much rights as men, 'cause Christ wasn't a woman! Where did your Christ come from? Where did Christ come from? From God and a woman! Man had nothing to do with Him. ― Sojourner Truth
I think the only reason Clarence Thomas is on the court is because he is black. — Joe Biden
To me, we are the most beautiful creatures in the whole world. Black people. And I mean that in every sense.- Nina Simone