
The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves.

More Quotes by Thomas Merton
‎Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy.
In Silence God ceases to be an object and becomes an experience.
Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone - we find it with another.
Nothing has ever been said about God that hasn't already been said better by the wind in the pine trees.
The rush and pressure of modern life are a form, perhaps the most common form, of contemporary violence. To allow oneself to be carried away by a multitude of conflicting concerns, to surrender to too many demands, to commit oneself to too many projects, to want to help everyone in everything, is to succumb to violence. The frenzy of our activity neutralizes our work for peace. It destroys our own inner capacity for peace. It destroys the fruitfulness of our own work, because it kills the root of inner wisdom which makes work fruitful.
In the devil's theology, the important thing is to be absolutely right and to prove that everybody else is absolutely wrong.
Let us come alive to the splendor that is all around us and see the beauty in ordinary things.
In a world of noise, confusion and conflict it is necessary that there be places of silence, inner discipline and peace. In such places love can blossom.
And the deepest level of communication is not communication, but communion. It is wordless. it is beyond words, and it is beyond speech, and it is beyond concept.
Our real journey in life is interior.