
It is almost inevitable that our faith will be challenged. We may at times find ourselves surrounded by others and yet standing in the minority or even standing alone concerning what is acceptable and what is not. Do we have the moral courage to stand firm for our beliefs, even if by so doing we must stand alone?

More Quotes by Thomas S. Monson
One day each of us will run out of tomorrows. Let us not put off what is important.
So frequently we mistakenly believe that our children need more things, when in reality their silent pleadings are simply for more of our time.
If you want to give light to others you have to glow yourself.
We were not placed on this earth to walk alone.
Often small acts of service are all that is required to lift and bless another: a question concerning a person's family, quick words of encouragement, a sincere compliment, a small note of thanks, a brief telephone call. If we are observant and aware, and if we act on the promptings which come to us, we can accomplish much good.
Your Heavenly Father loves you-each of you. That love never changes. It is not influenced by your appearance, by your possessions, or by the amount of money you have in your bank account. It is not changed by your talents and abilities. It is simply there. It is there for you when you are sad or happy, discouraged or hopeful. God's love is there for you whether or not you feel you deserve love. It is simply always there.
As we arise each morning, let us determine to respond with love and kindness to whatever might come our way.
Learn from the past, prepare for the future, live in the present.
When we treat people merely as they are, they will remain as they are. When we treat them as if they were what they should be, they will become what they should be.
There is absolutely nothing in this world that will provide more comfort and happiness than a testimony of the truth.