
In all cases where doubt crops up, ask yourself, "If I had a gun to my head and had to do it, how would I do it?" It's not as hard as you think.

More Quotes by Tim Ferriss
The best way to improve mental performance, is to improve physical performance
But you are the average of the five people you associate with most, so do not underestimate the effects of your pessimistic, unambitious, or disorganized friends. If someone isn't making you stronger, they're making you weaker.
Lacking an external focus, the mind turns inward on itself and creates problems to solve, even if the problems are undefined or unimportant. If you find a focus, an ambitious goal that seems impossible and forces you to grow, these doubts disappear.
Do not overestimate the competition and underestimate yourself. You are better than you think.
The most important actions are never comfortable.
Ninety-nine percent of people believe they can't do great things, so they aim for mediocrity.
You can lose money and make it back, you can't do that with time.
To do the impossible, you need to ignore the popular.
The question you should be asking isn't, "What do I want?" or "What are my goals?" but "What would excite me?
If you don't have time, the truth is, you don't have priorities. Think harder; don't work harder.