
Let the world burn through you. Throw the prism light, white hot, on paper. - Ray Bradbury

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I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through.
I wake up every morning at nine and grab for the morning paper. Then I look at the obituary page. If my name is not on it, I get up. – Benjamin Franklin
The best way out is always through. — Robert Frost
I had my life Monday through Friday in school, and then I had my 'real life,' which was my acting class on Saturday. — Gillian Jacobs
Experience taught me a few things. One is to listen to your gut, no matter how good something sounds on paper. The second is that you're generally better off sticking with what you know. And the third is that sometimes your best investments are the ones you don't make.- Donald Trump
Hold to the now, the here, through which all future plunges to the past.
God made everything out of nothing. But the nothingness shows through.
If I can’t make it through one door, I’ll go through another door or I’ll make a door. Something terrific will come no matter how dark the present.
Remember: Plot is no more than footprints left in the snow after your characters have run by on their way to incredible destinations. - Ray Bradbury
I was reading the paper and saw a cartoon with Ray Kelly frisking Obama, and I was like "Wait, what's happening?" so I Googled it. For everything Obama stands for and the things he's said in the past in his books, especially with the Trayvon Martin thing - and I'm not sure if he [made his comments on Trayvon] because he was asked a question and he was trying to be diplomatic and neutral - that can't happen.