
My two kids take a lot of my focus, which I'm grateful for.

More Quotes by Aden Young
I've never bought a boxed set DVD or anything like that.
You mortgage yourself sometimes. You know what you want to do, then you balance it against paying the rent.
In some ways, what I learned is that you can take a character and breathe with them, and its up to the audience to interpret rather than you putting moral stamp on the character.
A series is a big deal, and there are a lot of people out there writing stuff that don't know what art is.
It's easy to actually get the ink on the page, but somehow I've gotta find a way to play this. And I have to find a way to emotionally survive playing this.
I'm only the messenger.
On the last day of every character I've ever played, I lay the clothes out on the floor with the shoes and socks, so that it looks like the character has literally vanished. That's the way you have to leave them.
As an actor, often you're stuck with these scenes in which a great period of time is in between them - for example, if you do a biopic, it might be a year, it might be a decade, you never know.
The world isn't what you think it is.
An actor always wants to sink his teeth into something.