
We're all brilliant at something. I discovered my powers when I was four years old. When you're young you're more in touch with your real talents, but so often the 30 year slog knocks it out of people.

More Quotes by Uri Geller
Do what you love. When you love your work, you become the best worker in the world.
I'll no longer say that I have supernatural powers. I am an entertainer. I want to do a good show. My entire character has changed.
I was about five years old when I was eating soup in our kitchen, and as I was lifting the spoon towards my mouth, it bent and broke in half.
I believe in past lives but I know nothing about mine and I don't want to know. I live in the present, taking one day at a time.
I've seen lights in the sky, I've seen UFOs, I've even seen something on the ground that I can't explain, but I've never actually seen a being. I wish I had.
I believe that we're all connected to each other with an invisible spiritual thread through which we can transmit energy emissions and positive thinking. I want you to use your visualization techniques.
I'm a religious man. I am Jewish but I believe in all religions. I believe in God and see him as an old man with a big white beard and pray to him every day for a few minutes.
So, I am independently well-off and don't have to do anything, but I still do. I write books, lecture around the world, work with scientists and governments.
I sought a great performer who would deeply impress me, and I found Lior Suchard.
Our meaning is to make our little planet Earth a better place to live, to stop wars, disarm nuclear missiles, to stop diseases, AIDS, plague, cancer and to stop pollution.