
Nursing is one of the Fine Arts: I had almost said, the finest of Fine Arts.

More Quotes by Florence Nightingale
I think one's feelings waste themselves in words; they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results.
May we hope that, when we are all dead and gone, leaders will arise who have been personally experienced in the hard, practical work, the difficulties, and the joys of organizing nursing reforms, and who will lead far beyond anything we have done!
I use the word nursing for want of a better.
Statistics is the most important science in the whole world: for upon it depends the practical application of every other science and of every art: the one science essential to all political and social administration, all education, all organization based on experience, for it only gives results of our experience.
It may seem a strange principle to enunciate as the very first requirement in a Hospital that it should do the sick no harm. It is quite necessary nevertheless to lay down such a principle.
The 'kingdom of heaven is within,' indeed, but we must also create one without, because we are intended to act upon our circumstances.
Our first journey is to find that special place for us.
It is the unqualified result of all my experience with the sick that, second only to their need of fresh air, is their need of light; that, after a close room, what hurts them most is a dark room and that it is not only light but direct sunlight they want.
Starting a job and working hard is how to be successful.
The true foundation of theology is to ascertain the character of God. It is by the aid of Statistics that law in the social sphere can be ascertained and codified, and certain aspects of the character of God thereby revealed. The study of statistics is thus a religious service.