
More Quotes by Eddie Vedder
The love received is the love that is saved.
I wish I was the verb 'to trust' and never let you down.
The smallest oceans still make big big waves.
Music's at its best when it has a purpose.
It’s a song about first relationships and letting go. It’s very rare for a relationship to withstand the Earth’s gravitational pull and where it’s going to take people and how they’re going to grow. I’ve heard it said that you can’t really have a true love unless it was a love unrequited. It’s a harsh one, because then your truest one is the one you can’t have forever.
It's the ones without scars - those are the people you have to watch out for.
I don't need drugs to make my life tragic.
Before music videos first came out, you’d listen to a song with headphones on, sitting in a beanbag chair with your eyes closed, and you’d come up with your own visions, these things that came from within. Then all of a sudden, sometimes even the very first time you heard a song, it was with these visual images attached, and it robbed you of any form of self-expression.
Everytime I see the Spice Girls, it makes me want to try to fly by climbing my roof and strapping bricks to my shoes.
Die on a hilltop... eyeing the crows... waiting for your lids to close... but you want to watch as they peck your flesh... Ironic that they go for the eyes first.