
More Quotes by Katharine Hepburn
We are taught you must blame your father, your sisters, your brothers, the school, the teachers - but never blame yourself. It's never your fault. But it's always your fault, because if you wanted to change you're the one who has got to change.
If you want to change attitudes, start with a change in behavior.
The only time I am ever miserable is when I do something just for the money.
The woman's position in the world today is so much harder than a man's that it makes me choke every time I hear a man complain about anything.
You can't just be talented: You have to be terribly smart and energetic and ruthless. You also have to become necessary to people, by working hard and well and bringing more than your bones and your skin to the project. Don't just show up. Transform the work, yourself, and everybody around you. Be needed. Be interesting. Be something no one else can be--and consistently.
The thing about life is that you must survive. Life is going to be difficult, and dreadful things will happen. What you do is move along, get on with it, and be tough. Not in the sense of being mean to others, but being tough with yourself and making a deadly effort not to be defeated.
I have no romantic feelings about age. Either you are interesting at any age or you are not. There is nothing particularly interesting about being old - or being young, for that matter.
Don't moan, don't whine, don't blame. Just get on with it.
If you follow all of the rules, you'll miss all of the fun.
If you need a helping hand, you can find one at the end of your arm.