
Keep your mind on your objective, and persist until you succeed. Study, think, and plan.

More Quotes by W. Clement Stone
Accept the priceless gift - the joy of work. Apply the greatest value in life: love people and serve them. You will attract big and generous portions of success.
Every great man, every successful man, no matter what the field of endeavor, has known the magic that lies in these words: every adversity has the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.
Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.
You affect your subconscious mind by verbal repetition.
I think there is something, more important than believing: Action! The world is full of dreamers, there aren't enough who will move ahead and begin to take concrete steps to actualize their vision.
So, you've got a problem? That's good! Why? Because repeated victories over your problems are the rungs on your ladder of success. With each victory, you grow in wisdom, stature and experience. You become a better, bigger, more successful person each time you meet a problem and tackle and conquer it with a positive mental attitude.
Truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding, disbelief or ignorance.
Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.
When we direct our thoughts properly, we can control our emotions.
Try, try, try, and keep on trying is the rule that must be followed to become an expert in anything.