
More Quotes by Katherine Heigl
I'm too lazy and I like food and I like my free time too much to spend it working out!
So much about living life, to me, is about humility and gratitude. And I've tried very hard to have those qualities and be that person and I'm just so disappointed in myself that I allowed it to slip.
I never would rule out a great character or a great story. I don't care what the forum is. If I get to tell a story that I'm excited about, I'm in.
The more you want it [romantic relationship], the more you are looking for it, the more you repel it for whatever reason. I don't know why. If you kind of create this vacuum, let life take its course, then you tend to free yourself up for the unexpected.
My worst habit used to be smoking but I quit.
Marriage is actually really terrifying. It doesn't work for many people.
The world is still very bigoted.
A girl told me my lips looked like somebody had pressed strawberry yogurt against my face.
There are still men who come up to me today and say, 'You were really hot in that film!' I was 14, for God's sake!
My mother is a realist, and she's had biological and adoptive children, and she said it's no different: No matter what, they're putting a stranger into your arms. You don't know them yet.