
Whether life grinds a man down or polishes him depends on what he's made of.

More Quotes by Kathryn Kuhlman
God does not patch up the old life, or make certain repairs on the old life; He gives a new life, through the new birth.
God is not looking for gold vessels or silver vessels. He is looking for willing vessels
I didn't have any looks, I didn't have any talent, and it was easy for me to say to the Lord, "I don't have anything." If you only knew where I came from ... this leetle-bitty town with no more than twelve hundred people in it. So ... anything I am today, He is the one who has done it [ellipses in source].
A little knowledge and an over-abundance of zeal always tends to be harmful. In the area involving religious truths, it can be disastrous.
When Jesus died on the cross and cried out, 'It is finished!' He not only died for our sins, but for our diseases too.
Living with faith and courage is something that life requires of each of us. Never, absolutely never, give up! Never give in no matter what! Fight it through! And I promise you something with all of my heart-God will help you.
Great sea captains are made in rough waters and deep seas.
The greatest human attainment in all the world is for a life to be so surrendered to Him that the name of God Almighty will be glorified through that life.
Faith is that quality or power by which the things desired become the things possessed.
Wherever you find real love, you will also find humility. Remember something: humility is not a weak and timid quality. Too often we feel that humility is a sign of weakness. This is not so. It is the sign of strength and security.