
To me, when someone wrongs you, you both share the burden of that wrongdoing—the pain of it weighs on both of you. Forgiveness, then, means choosing to bear the full weight all by yourself.

More Quotes by Veronica Roth
Human reason can excuse any evil; that is why it's so important that we don't rely on it.
There is always somthing to learn, always somthing that is important to understand
My skepticism is strong, but my curiosity is stronger.
Killing you is not the worst thing they can do to you," I say. "Controlling you is.
If I let a little of the emotion out, all of it will come out, and it will never end.
The truth has a way of changing people's plans.
Do remember, though, that sometimes the people you oppress become mightier than you would like.
A brave man acknowledges the strength of others.
Every faction conditions its members to think and act a certain way. And most people do it. For most people, it's not hard to learn, to find a pattern of thought that works and stay that way. But our minds move in a dozen different directions. We can't be confined to one way of thinking, and that terrifies our leaders. It means we can't be controlled. And it means that no matter what they do, we will always cause trouble for them.
We both have war inside us. Sometimes it keeps us alive. Sometimes it threatens to destroy us.