
More Quotes by Victor Hugo
The social edifice of the past rests on three columns,—the priest, the king, and the hangman.
Many great actions are committed in small struggles.
If you don't build castles in the air you won't build anything on the ground.
Change your opinions, keep to your principles; change your leaves, keep intact your roots.
Love would never be a promise of a rose garden unless it is showered with light of faith, water of sincerity and air of passion. Sometimes we make love with our eyes. Sometimes we make love with our hands. Sometimes we make love with our bodies. Always we make love with our hearts. If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand. To love another person is to see the face of God.
The tomb is not a blind alley: it is a thoroughfare. It closes on the twilight. It opens on the dawn.
The peculiar property of truth is never to commit excesses. What need has it of exaggeration?
In its printed form, thought is more imperishable than ever; it is volatile, irresistible, indestructible.
When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right.
If I speak, I am condemned. If I stay silent, I am damned!