
Yoga will always be transformationa l, even when it stops being cool.

More Quotes by Victoria Moran
Growing into your future ... requires a dedication to caring for yourself as if you were rare and precious, which you are, and regarding all life around you as equally so, which it is.
Self-esteem is the result of recognizing our personal power; awe and wonder come from recognizing our lack of it. Both are true, and in an exceptional life there is no conflict between them.
I need a spiritual connection - I can make changes, but I can't make miracles - and I need people around me who'll support me and believe in me and tell me the truth and not let me deceive myself into avoiding the what's scary and hard and necessary.
In terms of days and moments lived, you'll never again be as young as you are right now, so spend this day, the youth of your future, in a way that deflects regret. Invest in yourself. Have some fun. Do something important. Love somebody extra. In one sense, you're just a kid, but a kid with enough years on her to know that every day is priceless.
Your mission isn't a project to check off your list. It's a commitment to which to dedicate your life.
If you celebrate your differentness, the world will, too. It believes exactly what you tell it.
Self-doubt is the greatest enemy of any new good habit.
Let other people do it their way. What other people do is irrelevant.
If you don't accept yourself, you won't live fully, and if you don't live fully you'll need to get full some other way.
Home is the place where you are most thoroughly yourself, with no pretenses.