
Having lost Rhett, she can always return to the land - to Tara, to soak up its strength. . . . Tara! . . . Home. I'll go home, and I'll think of some way to get him back! After all, tomorrow is another day!

More Quotes by Vivien Leigh
I cannot let well enough alone. I get restless. I have to be doing different things. I am a very impatient person and headstrong. If I've made up my mind to do something, I can't be persuaded out of it.
Most of us have compromised with life. Those who fight for what they want will always thrill us.
Things are simple when you're going to die.
Scarlett: You should die of shame to leave me here alone and helpless. Rhett: You helpless? (laughs) Heaven help the Yankees if they capture you.
I think acting is an important profession, because acting can give you pleasure and can teach you at the same time, and that is a good thing.
I've been a godmother loads of times, but being a grandmother is better than anything.
I loved fencing and dancing and elocution.
Classical plays require more imagination and more general training to be able to do. That's why I like playing Shakespeare better than anything else.
My husband, who's the greatest actor in the world, can do anything. Look at what he did in The Critic and Oedipus. In every role he gets-he did this in Richard the Third-there's nothing he can't do, nothing. Just nothing.
Dear Lord, I'm so grateful I'm still loved.