
Courage is contagious. When a brave man takes a stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.

More Quotes by Billy Graham
When wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost.
Our world is obsessed with success. But how does God define success? Success in God's eyes is faithfulness to His calling.
No matter who you are or what your life has been like so far, the rest of your life's journey can be different. With God's help you can begin again.
There comes a moment when we all must realize that life is short, and in the end the only thing that really counts is not how others see us, but how God sees us.
My hope does not rest in the affairs of this world. It rests in Christ who is coming again.
Mountaintops are for views and inspiration, but fruit is grown in the valleys.
God does not change - and neither does His love. He loved you before you were born... He loves you now... and He will love you forever.
We can be certain that God will give us the strength and resources we need to live through any situation in life that he ordains. The will of God will never take us where the grace of God cannot sustain us.
You will never understand who you are until you understand who God is.
The way we live often speaks far louder than our words.