More Quotes by Octavio Paz
Solitude is the profoundest fact of the human condition. Man is the only being who knows he is alone.
Love is not a desire for beauty; it is a yearning for completion.
Deserve your dream.
A civilization that denies death ends by denying life.
Beyond happiness or unhappiness, though it is both things, love is intensity; it does not give us eternity but life, that second in which the doors of time and space open just a crack: here is there and now is always.
There is nothing sacred or untouchable except the freedom to think. Without criticism, that is to say, without rigor and experimentation, there is no science, without criticism there is no art or literature. I would also say that without criticism there is no healthy society.
By suppressing differences and peculiarities, by eliminating different civilizations and cultures, progress weakens life and favors death
The supreme value is not the future but the present. The future is a deceitful time that always says to us, 'Not Yet,' and thus denies us... Whoever builds a house for future happiness builds a prison for the present.
Beyond myself, somewhere, I wait for my arrival.
The beloved is already in our being, as thirst and "otherness." Being is eroticism. Inspiration is that strange voice that takes man out of himself to be every thing that he is, everything that he desires; another body, another being. Beyond, outside of me, in the green and gold thicket, among the tremulous branches, sings the unknown. It calls to me.