
Modern man likes to pretend that his thinking is wide-awake. But this wide-awake thinking has led us into the mazes of a nightmare in which the torture chambers are endlessly repeated in the mirrors of reason.

More Quotes by Octavio Paz
The Mexican...is familiar with death. [He] jokes about it, caresses it, sleeps with it, celebrates it. It is one of his favorite toys and his most steadfast love.
My body, plowed by your body, will turn into a field where one is sown and a hundred reaped.
Every view of the world that becomes extinct, every culture that disappears, diminishes a possibility of life
Love is not a desire for beauty; it is a yearning for completion.
The beloved is already in our being, as thirst and "otherness." Being is eroticism. Inspiration is that strange voice that takes man out of himself to be every thing that he is, everything that he desires; another body, another being. Beyond, outside of me, in the green and gold thicket, among the tremulous branches, sings the unknown. It calls to me.
Self-discovery is above all the realization that we are alone.
It is always difficult to give oneself up; few persons anywhere ever succeed in doing so, and even fewer transcend the possessive stage to know love for what it actually is: a perpetual discovery, and immersion in the waters of reality, an unending re-creation.
Solitude is the profoundest fact of the human condition. Man is the only being who knows he is alone.
By suppressing differences and peculiarities, by eliminating different civilizations and cultures, progress weakens life and favors death
Poetry is not truth, it is the resurrection of presences.