
Our religion doesn't demand perfection but instead a manageable strive to better ourselves.

More Quotes by Nouman Ali Khan
When you’re not patient, you start complaining. And the fact that you’re complaining is a sign that you’re not grateful.
If we show Allah just a little bit of gratitude, He tells us, 'I will increase you, and increase you, and increase you, I swear to it. If you could only show Me the least bit of gratitude.'
You can’t change someone’s behaviour, all you can do is remind them, and hope that Allah will change their heart.
Allah will intervene into our emotional states. He can give you tranquillity again; whether it's anxiety, fear, grief, anger - whatever emotion, whatever thing that's happened that has left you scared, Allah can remove that scar entirely.
Find better company, find company of people better than yourself so you be surrounded with those best in character and so you may learn something.
When your Islamic discourse with someone becomes a debate, that's when you know that you have to stop. The psychology of a debate is like a sports competition, and no one likes to lose. So even if you make a good point, the other person isn't going to congratulate you. They are thinking about revenge.
Every single night our soul is taken, and every single night the Angel asks before bringing it back, "Ya Allah what about this one?" "Do You want to send it back?" Do You want to pull the plug or should we keep the Ruh (soul)?" And every night Allah gives permission to the Angel to let us live one more time.
When you find yourself in a position to help someone, be happy because Allah is answering that person’s prayer through you.
You train your heart to control your body. That's what you do when you fast.
Filthy language is used by people who don't have the maturity or intelligence to express themselves with better words.