
No matter how much you're going to be criticized or no matter how big of a risk it is, the boldness is the thing that helps you

More Quotes by Nicole Kidman
Sometimes your mistakes are you biggest virtues. You learn so much from the mistake. Those things that you think are the worst thing that's happening to you can somehow turn around and be the greatest opportunity.
You can't find peace by hiding from life
I believe in continuing to put love and kindness and compassion and art into the world.
I love acting, but it's much more fun taking the kids to the zoo.
I believe the experiences of life are more important than any film you make.
It was very natural for me to want to disappear into the theatre, I am really very shy.
Have no regrets. Every relationship leads you to where you're meant to be. Learn to be comfortable with being alone. Learn to be comfortable with saying no to people; we put everybody else before ourselves. Read great literature; don't get all your information from TV. Define your moral code - nobody else is going to give you that. Find it yourself. Keep asking questions, keep challenging. You don't have to conform. Rebellion creates character. And, as my mother always said to me, "Don't let anyone break your spirit!"
When falling in love I think you should say to yourself, ‘I am going to do this fully.’ I love to the fullest extent that I possibly can - and why not?... Maybe this means there is going to be pain, but I am willing to accept the pain.
I do have to say my daughter, Sunday, said to me [I was being] overprotective, so you must have been a fly on the wall.
Happiness, that's obviously different for everybody, but what I call my joy, the thing that makes me feel incredibly satiated, is my family, and then I get to go and play out all of my ideas and feelings through all these different characters.