
I honestly didn't think miracles could ever come from my broken pieces, and I was disabled in fear that my dreams would always remain as dreams. Don't give up on you. Don't give up on God. Don't give up on love.

More Quotes by Nick Vujicic
You do not know what you can achieve until you try.
No matter who you are, no matter what you're going through, God knows it. He is with you. He is going to pull you through.
You have arms and legs, but don't know what to do with your lives.
Risk, then, is not just part of life. It is life. The place between your comfort zone and your dream is where life takes place. It's the high-anxiety zone, but it's also where you discover who you are.
When you can't get a miracle, you can still be a miracle for someone else.
If God can use a man without arms and legs to be His hands and feet, then He will certainly use any willing heart!
If the world thinks you're not good enough, it's a lie, you know. Get a second opinion.
If we all could be a true friend to someone, praying and encouraging one person somehow, that's a first step in being part of making the world a better place.
Have you ever felt trapped in circumstances, then discovered that the only trap was your own lack of vision, lack of courage, or failure to see that you had better options?
Having faith, beliefs, and convictions is a great thing, but your life is measured by the actions you take based upon them.