
The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.

More Quotes by Neil deGrasse Tyson
It's better to understand something than to memorize something.
Why can't we summon the ingenuity and courage of the generations that came before us? The dinosaurs never saw that asteroid coming. What's our excuse?
The worst thing that ever happened to America was the 19th Amendment.
God is an ever receding pocket of scientific ignorance.
I know of no time in human history where ignorance was better than knowledge.
There are as many atoms in each molecule of your DNA as there are stars in the typical galaxy. This is true for dogs, and bears, and every living thing. We are, each of us, a little universe.
To assert that the universe has a purpose implies the universe has intent. And intent implies a desired outcome. But who would do the desiring? And what would a desired outcome be? That carbon-based life is inevitable? Or that sentient primates are life's neurological pinnacle? Are answers to these questions even possible without expressing a profound bias of human sentiment? Of course humans were not around to ask these questions for 99.9999% of cosmic history. So if the purpose of the universe was to create humans then the cosmos was embarrassingly inefficient about it.
To learn more about science, turn off your electronic device and go outside and look around a bit. Nature is calling you. Go on. The internet will still be here.
I dream of a world where the truth is what shapes people's politics, rather than politics shaping what people think is true.
If your belief system is not founded in an objective reality, you should not be making decisions that affect other people.